Saturday, October 9, 2010

Quiz anwers

Chapter 1 Quiz

1. A key activity of frontline managers is to establish high performance standards.
B) False

2. All middle managers are unimaginative people behaving like bureaucrats and defending the status quo.
B) False

3. Conceptual and decision skills are the abilities to perform a specialized task that involves a certain method or process.
B) False

4. People entering the Dans le Noir (In the Black) restaurant in Paris will enjoy a new and unique dining experience in complete darkness as if they were blind. Blind waiters serve as guides. Which fundamental success driver for competitive advantage does this best illustrate?
A) innovation

5. The senior executives of an organization that are responsible for its overall management are tactical managers.
B) False

6. Which of the following is a managerial decisional role according to Mintzberg?
D) disturbance handler

7. The fundamentals of management include which of the following?
E) planning

8. A common complaint about leaders, especially newly promoted ones who had been outstanding individual performers is that they lack
B) empathy.

9. Mitch Free wanted to expand his business,, into China. runs a Web site where manufacturers that need parts post their specifications online, and suppliers bid to provide those parts. Free grew up in a small town in Georgia, yet soon Chinese suppliers began submitting requests to participate. Free traveled to China and hired a general manager James Jin, who has experience in manufacturing both in the United States and China. This illustrates which part of the new competitive landscape?
E) globalization

10. Customization of goods and services to the wishes of the individual consumer illustrates which fundamental success driver for goods and services?
A) quality

Chapter 2 Quiz

1. A company's culture provides a framework that organizes and directs people's behavior on the job.
A) True

2. In all businesses—services as well as manufacturing—strategies that emphasize good customer service provide a critical competitive advantage.
A) True

3. Societal trends regarding how people think and behave are well studied but have little influence on strategic decisions about products and markets.
  B) False

4. According to the Competing-Values Model of Culture, cultures can be categorized according to whether they emphasize
D) flexibility vs. control and internal vs. external focus.

5. As environmental uncertainty increases, managers must develop techniques and methods for collecting, sorting through, and interpreting information about the environment. Which of the following is best considered one of these techniques?
  C) benchmarking

6. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) regulates U.S. financial markets. Its regulations are intended to protect investors. This is the best example of which of the following macroenvironmental forces?
  E) laws and politics

7. Managers today confront a particular competitive challenge from low-cost producers abroad.
A) True

8. Many companies find that they must invest heavily in training their entry-level workers, who may not have been adequately prepared for some of the more complex tasks the modern workplace requires. This is an example of which of the following macroenvironmental influences?
  D) demographics

9. The global stock markets are the best examples of which of the following macroenviromnental forces?
  C) economy

10. As a coffee seller, Latin American Coffee Roasters (LACR) does business all over the world. It purchases beans worldwide, roasts them and delivers various types of packaged coffee to both the business and consumer markets using the appropriate distribution channels. Which of the following organizational descriptions best fits LACR?
D) open

Chapter 3 Quiz

1. Opposing pressures from different sources is called
A) conflict.

2. The state that exists when the probability of success is less than 100 percent and losses may occur is
A) risk.

3. The state that exists when decision makers have insufficient information is
A) uncertainty.

4. Decisions encountered and made before, having objectively correct answers and solvable by using simple rules, policies or numerical computations are
B) programmed decisions.

5. New, novel, complex decisions having no proven answers are
A) nonprogrammed decisions.

6. Hilda, the manager of Happy Hounds Kennel, knows that the economy can greatly affect her level of business. She has developed a plan of action for each of the four possible economic outcomes that have been predicted for her geographic area over the next 4-6 years. Hilda's use of these strategies according to the state of the economy suggests that she
E) utilizes contingency planning.

7. Managers often ignore problems for which of the following reasons?
D) Managers cannot be sure how much time, energy, or trouble lie ahead once they start working on the problem.

8. Jonathan has received two job offers. One is from a firm in New York City, where Jonathan would like to live but the other offer in Kansas City would pay more. Jonathan is having a difficult time making a decision due to experiencing
D) psychological conflict.

9. The manager of the Capitol Restaurant noted that the restaurant had experienced a decreased number of evening customers. The manager promptly ordered the chef to rewrite the evening menu. Customer feedback later indicated that the problem had not been the menu but poor service from the wait staff. The manager's decision to have the menu revised suggests that he failed to
D) properly diagnose the cause of the problem.

10. Sam is the sales manager at Allied Manufacturing. The company makes a wide variety of shoes. The problem is that Sam will call on his customers, get large orders for certain styles and sizes of shoes, and then the company can't fill the orders. Sam is so angry with Phil, who runs Allied's production lines that he can hardly speak. "Phil" Sam said, "Why can't you just make plenty of these shoes so that our orders can always be filled?" Phil, of course had his own point of view. "I'll tell you why," Phil said. "It would cost the company so much that we couldn't afford to pay YOU!!" "Now get off my factory floor!" Phil and Sam could best be described as having a(n)
A) individual-level conflict.

Chapter 4 Quiz

1. Which is the first step in the formal planning process?
  B) Situational analysis

2. Which of the steps in the formal planning process involves studying past events, examining current conditions and forecasting future trends?
A) Situational analysis

3. To be effective, goals should be
E) attainable.

4. Plans
B) are actions or means the manager intends to use to achieve goals.

5. If expansion to Eastern Europe does not materialize, Widget, Inc.'s backup plan is to expand to South America. This backup plan is an example of
C) contingency plan.

6. Which step in the formal planning process is sometimes ignored?
C) Monitor and control

7. The three levels of planning are
C) strategic, tactical and operational.

8. Who is responsible for the organization's strategic plan?
A) Senior executives

9. Strategic goals are
A) major targets or end results that relate to the long-term survival, value, and growth of the organization.

10. An organization's strategic, operational and tactical goals must be
A) aligned. B) \consistent. C) mutually supportive. D) focused on company purpose.
E) all of the above.

Correct Answer(s): E

Chapter 6 Quiz

1. The international model of organizational structure consists of
D) subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the parent company.

2. __________ occurs when companies move jobs to another country, typically where wages are lower.
A) Offshoring

3. To be competitive in a global economy, Europeans must increase their level of
A) productivity.

4. Which country does the text describe as having become an important provider of online computer and software support for the U.S.?
A) India

5. Competing globally under the assumption that consumer tastes and preferences in varying countries differ is referred to as a ____________ model.
E) global

6. NAFTA combined the economies of
B) the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

7. The multinational model of organization structure consists of
A) subsidiaries located in countries where the company does business with much of the control exercised by the subsidiaries.

8. The Disney Corporation has marketed its facility in France somewhat differently than its United States facilities in order to appeal to the European consumer. This type of strategy is known as __________ model.
B) international

9. ____________ occurs when the organization contracts with an outside provider to produce one or more of an organization's products or services.
B) Outsourcing

Chapter 7 Quiz

1. There is a difference between a small business and an entrepreneurship venture.
A) True

2. Laura is interested in running a business and wants to open the same type of store her sister has in another town, a Massage Bliss, a popular new chain. Laura wants to become a(n)
B) franchisee.

3. Entrepreneurs start their own firms to get rich quickly.
B) False

4. Capitalizing on new clothing and music trends, the desire for fast food, and growing interest in sports are examples of which category of possibilities when spotting opportunity?
C) Lifestyle and taste changes

5. IPO is an acronym that stands for
C) initial public stock offering.

6. To be successful, entrepreneurs need to learn to micromanage.
B) False

7. Dimitri, a successful entrepreneur, formed Med-Monitor, a producer of a distinctive flat monitor screen used in the medical field. He is a very open-minded person who has no problem learning quickly and is very skilled at coming up with new ideas. Which of the following characteristics does Dimitri have?
E) Creativity, self-reliance and ability to adapt

8. Your roommate is interested in starting a business and everybody has been giving her different information about being an entrepreneur. Since you have been studying about entrepreneurship and new ventures, which of these would you tell her is true?
E) Successful entrepreneurs take very careful, calculated risks.

9. When creating a new business one should start with
C) a great idea.

10. Miguel works as a technician for a large manufacturer of building supplies. He has discovered a technique to product composite materials more efficiently. Miguel's employer encourages their employees to pursue new ideas on company premises. Miguel's employer appears to support
E) bootlegging.

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