Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Chapter 15


*Interpersonal Communication:
The transmission of information and meaning from one party to another through the use of shared symbols.
-The sender initiates the process by conveying information to the receiver —the person for whom the message is intended.
-The sender has a meaning he or she wishes to communicate and encodes the meaning into symbols (the words chosen for the message).
-Then the sender transmits, or sends, the message through some channel, such as a verbal or written medium.
-The receiver decodes the message (e.g., reads it) and attempts to interpret the sender’s meaning.
-The receiver may provide feedback to the sender by encoding a message in response to the sender’s message.*Noise:
-interference in the system
-blocks perfect understanding.
*Examples of Noise:
-ringing telephones.
-thoughts about other things.
-simple fatigue or stress.

*A model of One- Way Communication:
Oral and Written Channels of Communication:
*Oral Communication:
-Includes face-to-face discussion, telephone conversations, and formal presentations and speeches.
*Written Communication:
-Includes e-mail, memos, letters, reports, computer files, and other written documents.

*Electronic Media:
Web 2.0:
-A set of Internet-based applications that encourage user-provided content and collaboration.
-Social networking, podcasts, RSS, and wikis.

*Virtual Office:
-A mobile office in which people can work anywhere, as long as they have the tools to communicate with customers and colleagues.


*Effective Listening:
-Find an area of interest
-Judge content, not delivery
-Hold your fire
-Listen for ideas
-Be flexible
-Resist distraction
-Exercise your mind
-Keep your mind open
-Capitalize on thought speed
-Work at listening

*Downward Communication:

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