Saturday, December 4, 2010

Chapter 18

Creating and Managing Change:

*Becoming World Class:
-Being world class requires applying the best and latest knowledge and ideas and having the ability to operate at the highest standards of any place anywhere.
-World-class companies create high-value products and earn superior profits over the long run.
-The result is an organization capable of competing successfully on a global basis.

*Organization development (OD):
-The system wide application of behavioral science knowledge to develop, improve, and reinforce the strategies, structures, and processes that lead to organizational

*Resistance to Change:
 *Motivating people to Change:

*Force-field analysis:
An approach to implementing the unfreezing/ moving/refreezing model by identifying the forces that prevent people from changing and those that will drive people toward change.

*Specific Approaches to Enlist Cooperation:
*Methods for Managing Resistance to Change:

 *Leading Change:
*Sources of Complacency:

*Vast Opportunity:

*Adding Value, Personally: 
 *Learning Cycle: Explore, Discover, Act:
 *Level 5 Hierarchy:

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